Sunday, August 3, 2014

Monday - Getting Going

The youth are off! After a sending prayer from Pastor, a small parade of cars went from FELC to the airport. Getting boarding passes for 28 people was an event, but once everyone got checked in, our travels went smoothly. 

One of the highlights for the day was sitting in the Atlanta airport - we had a 3.5 hour layover - and doing our nightly devotionals. This week we'll be following a S.H.A.R.K. format for devos - share (an opening question) , hear (the readings for the day), ask (a question about the readings), reflect (a time for personal reflection on the reading) and keep (a single verse or thought to take from the devotions.) Our opening question was about what people were most looking forward to. It was really neat to hear how people are looking forward to our service day at Give Kids The World Village (website here!) and our community building program through Disney - the YES! Program (as well as the rides, of course!)

Some of our God Sightings:

-One of the youth mentioned how much it meant to them that members if the congregation sought them out after worship Sunday to tell them that they would be praying for them and the rest of the youth on the trip. 
- many of the youth expressed what a gift is was to be able to take a trip like this, especially one that spanned such a range of ages in the youth program. They commented how unique it is to have a youth group where youth from jr. high to post high have real community. 
- There were many prayers of gratitude for safe travel. 

Thank you all for your support and prayers - they mean a lot to us as we travel together to explore what it means to be a community in Christ. 

Jana, and the FELC youth

On the flight from Atlanta to Orlando!

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